Free Training

So much of the free training I’ve found in AI is focused on technical programming.  Here are some of the best (and free) training courses for non-technical professionals what want to learn the tools.

  • Free, Virtual and Self-Paced (9 hours)
  • Upgrade available to receive Certificate of Completion

*Tip – If you sign up for the free version, they will send you a discount code for $50 off the cert attempt (from $299 to $250).

Register Here

  • Free, 5 day email educational course

Register Here

  • Free, Virtual and Self-Paced (2 hours)
  • Free Udemy Certificate of Completion

*Tip – I highly recommend you set up accounts for each of the above tools ahead of time – so you can play along as the course runs.


Register Here

  • Free, Virtual and Self-Paced (6 hours)
  • Includes Certificate of Completion from Coursera
  • Written by Andrew Ng

*Tip – If you don’t care about getting the cert, feel free to skip Module 2 – Building AI Projects.

Register Here

  • Free, Virtual and Self-Paced (6 hours)
  • Includes shareable Certificate of Completion for LinkedIn
  • Hosted by Penn State

Register Here

Please Share Any Free Training That You Think I Should Add

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